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Organizing Science Camps Science Camps Our science camps are vacation camps where your children will discover a scientific domain which speaks to them: astronomy, archaeology, marine ecology... At the same time the will be able to do various outdoor activities: archery, swimming, hiking.... is not just choosing the best mediums and the best academic methods, but also mastering the logistic and organizational points that are vital for the project to run smoothly.
We will present here the outlines of our work regarding these original “smart” camps.
Our expertise
We popularize science Science La science est désormais l’affaire de tous. Découvrez la science d’une manière ludique et active. Nous vous proposons d’en découvrir plus sur nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. with the general public, using a multitude of mediums. We consider science Science La science est désormais l’affaire de tous. Découvrez la science d’une manière ludique et active. Nous vous proposons d’en découvrir plus sur nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. an integral part of life and society, and this translates into activities that are skillfully included in the daily program, submitted in an academic progression that is perfectly adapted to an approachable theme and to the concerned public. Each year, we participate in diverse national or international meetings between scientific educators; we talk about our experiences and we benefit from those of other professionals within the domain.
Our experience
We have organized summer camps since 1995 [1], and today, this has given us a real facility to establish high-quality camps in very little time. We know not only how to prepare them and the academic, technical, or logistical agenda, but also how to manage them during the process. We pay particular attention to the after-camp, because it is during this period that it is also possible to communicate, to make assessments with the academic and technical teams or with partners, to receive assessments from parents and children, and to constantly improve what we can still be.
The Science Camps Science Camps Our science camps are vacation camps where your children will discover a scientific domain which speaks to them: astronomy, archaeology, marine ecology... At the same time the will be able to do various outdoor activities: archery, swimming, hiking.... are organized as follows
We choose the theme or themes of the camps for the next year with our scientific partners and the parents who participate in the academic meetings.
We validate the general program, dates, and exit surveys, etc. with some of the parents who participate in brainstorming.
We write the camp catalog, which is distributed as widely as possible in order to reach all youths who are passionate about science, or who are simply curious and willing to learn.
We identify the scientists or the technicians who intervene in the camps as experts, as well as our team leaders.
We build with our team of scientific educators precise academic projects (objectives, sub-objectives, academic means, and means of implementation), which are structured around selected themes; we develop academic toolkits and their methods of correspondence. Then, we establish the definite program of each camp, and consider the organization properly formed.
We collect registration forms
UNIQUE : In the spring, we meet the most motivated parents for an academic and scientific meeting (it’s the “Pre-Camp for Parents”) and organize at the same time an informational meeting for new parents, who meet older parents.
At the time of camp, parents and their children are welcomed on site. They are presented with the academic program, the teams of leaders and technicians, as well as the final program.
Some of the scientific activities are voluntarily organized by participants because it is a part of the actual program to know how to organize within the framework of scientific research Scientific Research Participate in scientific research research programs. Help advance research on oceans to help us understand them better. Do this on our nature courses on dolphins and whales. (colocoop).
After the first period of discovery and awareness, the youths go into in-depth studies and activities are set in motion: they start their scientific research Scientific Research Participate in scientific research research programs. Help advance research on oceans to help us understand them better. Do this on our nature courses on dolphins and whales. . Whether they are 7 or 18 years old, they have the possibility while in the camps of Objectif Sciences International to lead their own research within a team. It is therefore not a question of courses or simple science workshops in the morning, which would be followed by sport activities or leisure activities in the afternoon. On the contrary, the youths are given scientific research Scientific Research Get involved in science research programs. Help build up our knowledge of our oceans. Help us to understand them better. Do this on our plankton discovery sailing expedition. to lead in order to voluntarily contribute to a final project, and this research, at all times, is the opportunity to do crafts, outings in surrounding Provence, sports, reading, writing workshops, etc. at any time.
The youths conduct regular meetings among themselves during camp, and prepare themselves for the form of presentation to give at the end of camp (exhibition, website, distribute notebooks with experiences, film, etc). Parents pick up their children and use the opportunity to talk with the team of leaders.
UNIQUE : If you wish, you can participate in the yearly assessment meeting at New Year’s at the Centre for Scientific Living. This is what is called the “Post-Camps for Parents.” You can talk with our science educators on major educational and scientific successes of the summer, or on small matters that still leave room for improvement. All who participate in leisure activities liven up the four-day festive meeting. If you cannot come, you can also remain content to respond to the survey distributed to parents and youths after the holidays are over.
At the end of the camps and in the months that follow, various opportunities arise for participants to talk about what has been achieved. For example, maintaining a communal blog, participation in the work on the public website of the Research Program Research Program Collaborate with scientific organizations. Actively take part in participative science research programs. All this is possible with our plankton discovery sailing expedition. , a spontaneously organized meeting at the Center for Scientific Camps. There are also opportunities for physical or virtual meetings for children who imagine and thus prepare with our educators what the next year’s camps will be.
Therefore, it’s a new annual cycle that begins.
If you wish to support the organization, you can distribute our flyers all around you ! Consult the camps catalog Notes:
[1] Meaning 3 years after our creation in 1992.