
All the Power of our Educaton Methods by using the Project in Tutoring!

For the dates offered in


for our camps, the participants will be able to practice, during the camp’s project, an academic discipline that their parents want them to improve.

The situation is very simple: when you register for a camp, you can specify to us which disciplines are required for remedial support and the trip leaders will include your child into the sub-group which will, for activities during the project, focus on questioning the discipline in question. If your child needs to practice their math, they will be placed in the group which will be carrying out analysis of the data produced form the experiment... if your child needs to improve their French writing, they will be part of the group who will write up the results and write the documents necessary for the final presentation of their project.

There are many advantages to this system, and all of this comes with fun and so it is even more effective!

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