Every year, the team from the European Science Science La science est désormais l’affaire de tous. Découvrez la science d’une manière ludique et active. Nous vous proposons d’en découvrir plus sur nos expéditions à la voile, découverte du plancton. Camp Center offers you several walking camps in Iceland, a terrific area for learning about our planet, geology, renewable energy sources and botany...
These camps are accessible no matter where in the world you live. They are registered with the Departmental Delegation of Jeunesse et Sports.
GEOCLIM: Climate Emergency!
IceLand Lab' - Level 3
Level 3Spend two weeks in the heart of one of the most breathtaking islands on (...)
- Age 13-18/Families
- Iceland
Other Projects
IceLand Lab' - Niveau 4
Science, discovering Iceland and hiking by contributing to Research on the (...)
- Age 18-30/Families
- Iceland